Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blog What?

You would be so surprised at the power of the Internet. I am sure that you have heard how powerful of a tool the Internet is, but I cannot stress to you enough... its amazing! If you want to be discovered there is YouTube!, there are thousands of blog sites, like this one, and personal pages like, MySpace and Facebook. The cyber world is truly fascinating. Just last week one of my postings was read by the CEO of Entertainment, who contacted me about publishing one of my posts on his site. I would encourage anyone in any industry to begin blogging. You would be so surprised at some of the feedback you get from a simple little post. If you are looking for anything to put your name on... put it on the Internet. It is a powerful tool that so many of us can access for free! Use it! But remember to be careful, you never know who is watching.

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